Earth-Eval: Catalyzing Transformational Change through Environmental Evaluation
Earth-Eval is an online community of practice hosted by the Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO). Its overarching goal is to establish standards and norms, support capacity development, and share best practices in evaluations tied to the environment and development. Our members are a global network of monitoring and evaluation practitioners in government and multilateral development banks, international organizations, civil society organizations, and academia.
Earth-Eval focuses on topics such as climate change, land degradation, forests, international waters, agriculture, biodiversity, chemicals and waste with cross-cutting themes of gender, private sector, resilience and more.
The mission of Earth-Eval is to become a leader in catalyzing transformational change through environmental evaluation.
Our achievements include
- Two publications: Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development (2017) and Evaluating Climate Change and Development (2009).
- Conducted three state-of-the-art studies to facilitate evaluations of climate change mitigation and adaptation; a scoping study on natural resource management interventions; and a good practice study on indicator development, selection and use in adaptation M&E.
- Developed an electronic repository of roughly 500 evaluations.
- Organized webinars to share new knowledge with members of the community.
- Established partnerships with evaluation networks to strengthen evaluation capacities and share good practices.
Join Earth-Eval!
- Be part of a growing network of more than 1900 evaluators and practitioners.
- Get the latest information on environmental and development evaluation.
- Share and update your knowledge and skills with our webinars, studies, and informational blogs from a variety of expert evaluators.
- Learn innovative methods of using evaluation to enhance your work.
- Free access to an online repository of evaluations.